Terms and conditions.
Visits are by appointment only.
Buddy's Alpaca Farm is an outdoor working fiber farm. Please dress accordingly for the weather.
Hand sanitizing should be done as you enter and exit the animal area.
Please do not visit if anyone in the group has symptoms of respiratory illness.
Note: Flip-Flops and open toed shoes are strongly discouraged on the farm. Closed toe footwear is strongly recommended.
Masks are optional. We are fully vaccinated.
Refunds will be granted up until 12 hours before events and must be cancelled via the website.
Your time is valuable and so is ours. No-shows will not be refunded.
Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of a participant at least 18 years of age in a registered agritourism activity conducted at this registered agritourism location if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of such agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, but shall not be limited to, the potential of you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death and the potential of another participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in this registered agritourism activity.”
I hereby grant Buddy’s Alpaca Farm, LLC permission to use my image and/or likeness in a photograph, video, and/or other digital media (collectively referred to herein as “photo” or “photos”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.
I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of Buddy’s Alpaca Farm, LLC and will not be returned.
I hereby irrevocably authorize Buddy’s Alpaca Farm, LLC to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my image and/or likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photo(s).
I hereby hold harmless, release, and forever discharge Buddy’s Alpaca Farm, LLC from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.